About Us

We, a team of like-minded volunteers has identified the rural hospitals to be the places where it matters for the most needy. Our Team has identified a group of Doctors and other medical professionals who are truly service oriented and are in the frontline, working in small Government hospitals and Public Health centers in rural places.

“If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Warren Buffett

Set up a small Oxygen Generation facility with a capacity of 100 Litres per minute for a Covid-19 Special Ward created for Pregnant women, in Pogalur – Annur to Mettuplayam Road, in Coimbatore District. It is expected to provide life support to 20 people on average. The total cost of the facility is around Rs.25 Lakhs and it shall be installed in last week of May 2021.

We have purchased number of Oxygen concentrators with a capacity of 5 litres per minute and combined two units to work as a single concentrator of 10 Liters per minute. This arrangement will help mild to moderate patients and provide support at an early stage, stopping further deterioration of health. Each such combined unit has been provided to Kamala Nehru Women’s Hospital at Dindigul, Primary Health Centre at Sithayankottai, Dindigul Dt. and to ESI Hospital at Ooty. The total cost of these units are around Rs.10 Lakhs.

We have also been procuring number of items like medicines, bed spreads, masks, gloves, PPE kits, Pulse oximeter, Infra-red Thermometer, etc and providing them directly to the Hospitals in small quantities as required. The total procurement of such items is planned to be around Rs.5 Lakhs

Many rural Hospitals are not getting adequate Oxygen cylinders and find it difficult to re-fill the ones which had been used. We have managed to procure 10 Cylinders initially and provided them to the needy hospitals. We are also helping them in refilling the existing empty cylinders with the medical oxygen

We have also been providing cash assistance to very poor people near Mathuranthagam area who are directly or indirectly affected by Covid-19 pandemic through a Doctor who is willing to help. There is a need to explore this cash assistance further to make it more accountable

Some acknowledgements and activities at the frontline