Our Core Team

“Our team is comprised of like minded people from various backgrounds who believe in giving back to the society at this critical juncture. Our committed members are”

  • Mr Nithiyanandam, OM Textiles
  • Mr Gopalakrishnan, Datalog
  • Mr Krishnan, Datalog
  • Mr Sriram, Cochin
  • Mr Boobalan, Texcoms Group
  • Mr Arunagiri, Texcoms Group
  • Mr Raghu, Texcoms Group
  • Mr Ulaganathan, Texcoms Group
  • Mr Vasanth Texcoms Group

To make our activities more transparent and accountable, we are committed to the following :

  • We have adopted the motto and our activities are to be identified by the name “Rural Lives Matter”.
  • We shall ensure that this help is rendered to the right people, as fast as possible and shall ensure that these supports is not misused in any way.
  • We are setting up the website, creating necessary documentation and processes to make every individual donation is fully accountable, utilized for the right cause.
  • We are following a process to create clear documentation for the receipt of items by the Govt. Hospitals / Primary Health Centres while handing over the medical items and to make sure that the items provided are part of their inventory.
  • A full and transparent disclosure will be made available from time to time for :
    • How much funds are collected.
    • From whom the funds are collected.
    • Manner of utilisation of funds.
    • The beneficiaries wherever direct assistance is provided.
    • The institutions through which the support are provided.

Mr. Ulaganathan has kindly agreed to be the main co-ordinator on behalf of the team for the project and he can be reached on


Email :  [email protected]